Missions Training Module

Missions Training for Missionaries and…

      …those Preparing to be a Missionary

Getting Bible Answers to the Tough Questions of How to Build Churches on the Foreign Field

If you are asking the following questions about Missions work, then the Missions Training Module may have some of the answers you are looking for.

How is it possible to plant multiple churches on the field?

Where should I locate on the field?

How do I find people who will respond to the gospel message?

How can I train men that will embrace truth and stand for it after I leave the field?

What should I do to ensure new churches will hold to the faith?

How can I see to it that those I teach look to God as their final authority and not man?

What tools are essential to ministry?

What tools will destroy the ministry if I use them?

How do I get men I train to show me their heart secrets?

How can I see the heart motives for service and placing my trust in hirelings?

How can I instill an evangelistic fervor that will reproduce itself?

Why is it critical to train men in groups?

How do I put a group together?

What structures are essential to train men in leadership?

This 3 week training module in South Africa is not about just planting one church on the mission field, but rather setting the stage to plant multiple churches through a movement prepared and catapulted by God through national leadership. 

Why listen to me?

The fact is that after 40+ years of ministry I have made more mistakes than most.

Having helped in the planting of more than 40 churches in my ministry I know the pitfalls of ministry that can set the stage for decline.

I also have identified answers to many of those problems.

But even more important I have been on the mission field in Botswana for 3 years testing some of those theories that I had formulated over the years.

The end result? Many more answers than I have ever had, and now have left behind 3 Mission Churches with 12 men active and training for the ministry. These men are not in ‘finished stage’, but they are well on their way after a short tenure on that field was interrupted by Immigration issues.

I do NOT claim to know it all. In fact if you come for this training module you will find that I will be telling you clearly of the principles in Scripture, but also clearly trying to point out what has worked here in Africa. BUT that does NOT mean that these practices will work in every culture. But the principles will.

We will cover how to look at the culture you are in and make the principles fit into the culture without violating the Biblical mandates.

This brings us to YOUR situation.

Your mission field WILL be different. You can expect that.

Because of that I do not want you coming to learn my practices so you can copy them.

We will address the issues and how to intervene with the Scriptures, yet not follow the ways of other cultures.

Your situation will indeed be different and when you are on the field alone you will find that you need to be equipped to think through the options on your own. Yes, you have the aid of the Holy Spirit and the counsel of your pastor and sending church, but believe me the mission field can feel like a very lonely place unless you have some direction already set in place to aid the difficult situations you will be facing. With the right tools you can minimize this feeling of being unequipped for the task at hand.

So what kind of person is this training module for?

For Independent Baptists

For Missionaries or those in Training

For Those Who Have a Full Endorsement from their Pastor

For Those Clear on Their Theology- We are not here to argue over theology. If you disagree keep it to yourself or don’t come.

For Those with a Learners Attitude- Don’t bother to come if you are not open to learn!

For those that are Willing to Work Hard- This is not a vacation, you will be out on the streets working with people

For Those Willing to Pay their Own Way- Sorry, I cannot cover your travel/room/board/transport costs. I am willing to invest my life in you for 3 weeks, but if I pay your way you won’t appreciate the training, nor will I be able to train others after you.

What to do next?

If you believe you qualify for this training, please write me an email at pdhammett @ gmail.com (take the spaces out)

Here is what I need in your email…

1. Your Name

2. Your Field you intend to serve on

3. Your home church and pastor contact information

4. 3 Questions from the above that most interest you in getting answers to

5. 3-5 Additional questions that you want to have answered in the training

6. Answer this question for me: Why should I invest 3 weeks of my life in you and your ministry?


I do look forward to hearing from you if you have a passion for missions and qualify for this type of training.

I do run modules for evangelism and discipleship for others. But this training specifically targets those involved in foreign missions work.

After we correspond I can tell you of upcoming training or we can make the arrangements for your training if it seems like a fit.


James Pittman, missionary to Chile speaks about the training


David Martin, missionary to Argentina speaks about the training…


John Blondke, missionary in training to Burma speaks about the training…