Open Door in Botswana School

by dhammett on April 17, 2013

Kalakamati is about 1 ½ hours from our home in Francistown.


Kalakamati Road Kalakamati Road

As I arrived this morning, I knew this place, as I have often been down that back road and worked in the village nearest this school.

Little did I know what awaited me! Beverly and I met with the Headmaster, Mrs Kgomanyane and the Scripture Union Head, Mrs Malila.


Ms Malila and Ms Kgomanyane Ms Malila and Ms Kgomanyane

Mrs Malila had been to Francistown and got one of our testimony tracts and then written asking for Bible instruction for the students.

Maenjani C.J.S.S. (Community Junior Secondary School) is a school of 150, age 13-16 students. I had been asked to provide Bibles and a Bible Study Curriculum for them.

All of these students come to the studies voluntarily.

The opportunity to influence them is great, but even greater is the opportunity to reach into their families and influence their parents.


Menjanie CJSS Menjanie CJSS

We agreed to print the curriculum for all of the 150 students…and to have the first booklet done by this Thursday! (Beverly will be busy printing 36 lessons for 150 students!)

Pray for the provision of paper and ink as we print.


We will meet on Thursday afternoon with all of the students and Muzola, one of our men, will address the student body. He comes from one the 3 villages at this school. J

He will be giving his testimony and then preaching. Pray for this opportunity!


2 ½ years ago when I moved here I was given Bibles by Bearing Precious Seed of Milford, Oh. Thank the Lord for His provision!

Shipping those Bibles cost me much more than I expected, but now I am very glad I brought them.

Thankfully Lehigh Valley Baptist Church had given me some money as a ‘going away gift’ and I was able to use that to pay for the shipping.

The last of the Bibles will be given away at the school on Thursday. God has provided!

Isn’t it good to see how the Lord puts details together?


The last of the Bibles will be distributed this Thursday, and the seed will no longer be in the barn (garage).

Pray as we have opportunity to sow it this Thursday among students from 3 villages that are very far off the beaten path.

Pray for fruit that will abound! Pray that we will have groups formed in these villages leading to NT Baptist Churches forming!


Douglas Hammett

Botswana and Beyond


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