A Good Start for a New Year

by dhammett on January 1, 2015

Coming off of 10 days of sickness…I am improving and hope to make a full recovery soon. It looks like I will have to have another go at the meds to do it though.


So today I wanted to start the New Year off right…tired of sitting in the house…got out and went to the bush.


Had a Bible study with Mike…very self-righteous…and very sobered at the end of the study. Pray for Mike.


Beverly had a study with Gobanane and it went very well. Pray for her understanding and salvation.


Then I had a discipleship study with 3 African men…a great time in the Word studying on the model prayer…PRAY.

Two of these men told me how they had gone to a nearby village of Alma the day after Christmas and passed out tracts and preached to the people they found there.


The trip was quite rough due to the sickness…but then on the way back we ran into one of the worst rain storms I have ever been in. It lasted about one hour…due to that the power was out in the major town we pass through and the one restaurant was open…but not doing business. J


So we drove on home…about an hour into the trip we crossed over the mountains and the sky cleared. The next hour was beautiful.


So we went looking for food when we returned…most restaraunts were closed back home by then…but we found one…and while getting out to eat the security guard came over and asked me for a Bible study.

He saw the sign on the truck. His name is Ezekiel. Please pray for him as well.


So things are quiet here…but moving forward. Thank you for praying.



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