Divine Appointments

by dhammett on December 23, 2014

Gen 24:27… I being in the way, the LORD led me…
Out in town today to take a Bible study to a student, when I received a call from a man saying he needed the next study in his series. I could barely understand him on the phone, he does not speak english well. But he said he would be at Pick n Pay. There are many of those in town! Then he said KFC, and again there are several of those.
So I went to my best guess and stood on the corner. I spoke to him and he said he would come to me. So I got out of the truck.

When I got out Sydney approached me. I did not know him, but he had seen the signs about the Bible study. We was from a village about 1 1/2 hours away. He was just in town for a funeral and wanted to do the Bible study. An unexpected appointment!

Then I waited for the African man to come…it turned out to be Stanley! he is a soldier that I had done studies with and we had lost contact about 4 months before. He explained that he had been moved to Durban and so had been away. When he returned back to Polokwane he had a Bible study waiting in the mail for him. (the post office has been on strike for almost 4 months. Maybe they are working now?) So he contacted me and we are back on for studying the Word of God.

Divine appointments!
Pray for Stanley and Sydney!

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